
Flintlock Theatre School
Correspondence: 5 John Lopes Road, Eynsham, OX29 4JP
Tel: 01865 872883
Tel: 01865 872883
Flintlock Theatre School (formerly OAPA) has been providing top quality performing arts tuition for students aged 5-19 since 2010. Covering singing, dance and drama for musical, classical and contemporary theatre, we offer top quality performing arts tuition led by experienced professional performers in a safe, supportive and nurturing environment
St Michael's Choristers
St Michael's Church, Lonsdale Road, Summertown, OX2 7ES
Tel: 07791 328 108
Tel: 07791 328 108
Junior church choir, under the direction of Dr Alice Stainer, open to children aged 3 upwards. Thursdays in term time, 17.15-17.45 for 4-8 year-olds, 17.50-18.30 for 9 years upwards. Learn to sing for free in a fun environment. Performances once a month in Sunday Service.
St Edward's Singers
St Edward's School, Woodstock Road, Summertown, OX2 7NN
Tel: 01865 319217
Tel: 01865 319217
The St Edward's Singers is a large choir made up of current and former parents of pupils at St Edward's, as well as friends of the School, teachers, and also those from the wider community. We do two performances a year – one in October and one in May. Rehearsals are generally held on Friday evenings in the St Edward’s School Hall 7.30 – 9.00pm; music and refreshments are provided.

Summertown Choral Society
Summertown Choral Society is a well-established mixed voice amateur choir.
We are based in North Oxford, but our members are drawn from all over the city and surrounding areas. We aim to encourage a friendly atmosphere in which everyone enjoys singing. There is no audition and we stage performances twice a year, in January and May. We always welcome new members, so if you would like to sing, do give us a try.
Oxford Girls' Choir
Four choirs for different ages: Prep Choir for girls and boys aged 4-8 (no audition required), Boys' Choir for ages 7-11, Girls' Junior Choir for ages 7-11, and Girls' Choir for ages 11-18